Search Results
16 - Chemopreventive Sphingolipids - Interview with Dr. Dennis Liotta
15 - Sphingosine - Interview with Dr. Dennis Liotta
19 - Developing Agents - Interview with Dr. Dennis Liotta
20- Metastasis - Interview with Dr. Dennis Liotta
18- Drugs From Animals to Human - Interview with Dr. Dennis Liotta
09 - Dealing with Resistance - Interview with Dr. Dennis Liotta
Dr. Alfred Merrill discusses his collaboration with Dr. Dennis Liotta
14- Why is Curcumin a Suitable Anti-Cancer Agent? - Interview with Dr. Dennis Liotta
Dr. Alfred Merrill explains the role of sphingolipids in cancer
Dr. Dennis Liotta and Dr. Ralph DiClemente
Dr. Alfred Merrill explains how sphingolipids affect cancer
What is Chemoprevention